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a high-quality ready-mixed adhesive known for its exceptional bonding strength and long-lasting durability. Designed to meet the demands of mural pasting and interior decoration. Made in Italy. Each Kilogram can paste up to 5 square meters.

Weight 5 kg

Technical Specifications

Base: starch
Physical appearance: white cream
PH: 6.5
Viscosity: 50,000 to 60,000 cps
V.O.C. content: <0.55 g / l
Solid content %: about 35%
Customs code: 3506 9190
Application temperature: + 5 °C + 40 °C
Waiting time: 0 – 10 minutes
Open time: 20 – 30 minutes
Definitive adhesion: 48 hours

+ Very strong
+ Does not stain
+ High yield
+ Low V.O.C. content
+ Contains antibacterial and anti-mold additives

All surfaces must be dry, absorbent, strong, free of dust or paints or oils.

CONSUMPTION: 150 – 250 g/Square meter